How long have you been at Serpa?
9 years.
How did you find your way to Serpa?
I was contacted directly by a Serpa recruiter via LinkedIn.
What is a day in your life at Serpa like?
I am always at a customer site helping them with whatever they need. I am typically by myself either troubleshooting some sort of issue or helping them get their machine to run at its full capacity.
What inspires you to succeed at your job every day?
Our customer’s success. If they get out of their machine what they need, then I have done my job.
When do you have the most fun at work?
I have the most fun when I can utilize all the skills I have in the same day. This means that my day is not stuck doing the same type of task, and the day flies by.
Why did you select Serpa as opposed to another company?
When Serpa first contacted me, I was regularly getting contacted by headhunters, but rarely by a company directly. That was different and definitely made Serpa standout. I also really liked that they are an American company. The final piece for me was seeing the quality and craftsmanship put into every machine. It’s easy to be a representative of a company when those principles are followed.
What opportunities or experiences have you most enjoyed here?
The technologies we use are always on the cutting edge of innovation. I am always learning something new that will help me in the future.
If someone new were joining the team, what one piece of advice do you think they should know?
Be patient and know that even though we are always at a customer site; Serpa is always there to help you through any problem you might encounter. Also, do not be afraid to voice your opinion about a fix you think will work on an area of the machine that is having issues; Serpa has hired you to give this input.
What is something you’ve learned or your biggest takeaway so far?
The service management team really looks out for me and my well-being. I rarely have to work weekends or take after hours support calls. I have a very nice work/life balance that is rare for anyone that is employed as a traveling Service Technician.
What keeps you motivated and coming to work every day?
I like that I never know what the day might bring. I might be doing an electrical task, a mechanical task, troubleshooting the setup, or training. The diversity in each and every day keeps me fresh.
What are some of the biggest differences you’ve seen in previous places you’ve worked and Serpa?
The commitment to the service department and machines in field. Most companies only care about getting a sale and shipping that machine as fast as possible. As a service technician you can sometimes feel like you are on an island without any help because of that fact. When the founder of the company has a service background, it goes without saying that this will be a big focus of the company.
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